Life is asBeautiful as YOU want it to Be

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

This Memorial Day weekend we headed off to Yuma, AZ.  We visited Tia Paty and Tio Joe and their kids: Joshua, Monica, Diego, Fiona and Tommy.  We had a really good time, especially Emma who spent almost the whole time swimming (they have a swimming pool).  Saturday when we got there, the first thing she did was put on her swimming suit and get in the water, she was there for almost two hours.  Then we went to the Colorado river which is great because it has this beautiful beach, smooth sandy bottom, and most of the river is about knee high deep.  So the kids can really play and enjoy the water (with parental supervision of course) and just cool off from the Summer heat.  Although it was really hot.  It was actually really windy.  REALLY windy.  The river area was packed so we decided to go home and just grill the hamburgers there.  Melina and Jose and their kids were also with us.  So we all went to Paty's home and again, Emma went right into the pool.  She was the last one to come out of the pool to eat and as soon as she did, went back in the pool.  She did not come out until about 8 or 8:30 p.m.

Sunday was nice and relaxing.  We went to church and listened to some good classes and talks.  Pedrito was fuzzy in the beginning and then he fell asleep and didn't wake up until the end of the meetings.  We played "Basta" in the evening and got some good laughs out of the words everyone wrote.  Like for "Thing" category, Joe wrote 'flu-shot'.  Really?  First time I see somebody think of that one  :D.

Monday it was time to say goodbye to Joshua and Diego who went to a camping trip to San Diego (lucky...) for the whole week.  Then it was time for Emma and the pool.  Around noon we decided to go back to the river before coming home.  Paty bought some pizzas and we ate on a shady spot at the park.  Emma was in the water up until the last minute (around 4 p.m.) before we left.  We had some snow cones before we left Yuma.  It was a fun and relaxing weekend.  We'll see how the rest of the Summer goes...  :S

Friday, May 27, 2011

Visiting my Most Favorite Place in the World

No, I didn't go to Disneyland, Legoland, or Sea World.  On the very first day of Summer Break, we visited the LIBRARY!!  It's been at least two months since I've been able to go to this "Temple of Knowledge".  I just love,love, love the library, I wish I could live there and have all the time in the world to read MOST of the books and magazines there.  It's good that my kids share my excitement with this place, at least Erik keeps asking me to just leave him there and come back later to get him, he doesn't want to be rushed, he wants to savor the moment.  Just like me.  I checked out some magazines (Arizona Highways and Country Living) and...Jesus el Cristo, by James E. Talmage.  I've tried reading it before and after sometime it became a little overwhelming.  I think I'm more mature and ready now to give it another try.  Even if it takes all Summer. 

I also enrolled my kids in the Summer Reading Program.  Those prizes are really lame but, I guess anything is good to keep kids motivated, right?  Well, I know we'll be visiting my favorite place in the whole wide world very often and I couldn't be happier...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

It was a Good Wednesday...

I love Wednesdays.  Knowing that we are halfway trough the week puts me in an optimistic mood.  We went to get my mom during her lunch time (Wal Mart) and went to eat at Rubio's.  Man, I love those fish tacos!  I also love talking to my mom, she's always been my best friend (well now she shares that title along with my husband) and I like when we have the chance to talk without being surrounded by a sea of children (yes, my four plus my sister's five).  After Pedrito started to run in the restaurant's hallway we knew it was time to go.  I think I got a lot of energy from eating fish because after I came home,  I started some cleaning that had been put off long enough.  Yes, cleaning the grocery store under the couches, you know move the pillows, separate trash from mummified food and coins from spoons, bobbi pins, T.V. remote control, hair scrunches, etc..........  Then it was time to look of the computer armoire, top of the refrigerator, top of the entertainment center....  I almost filled one of those BIG trash bags!  I was exhausted...I needed more fish tacos... ;D   Oh well, chicken enchiladas were good enough and that's what I made for dinner.

 Then we had a meeting to continue planning for the Stake Family Vacation's video.  Every ward is supposed to do a 5-7 min. video to show all the families in their ward.  We want to make THE MOST AWESOME video of Kimball Stake, and we are in the process of that.

Later that night, my husband remembered today had been the American Idol Finale and we MISSED it!!!
Oh least my husband got his wish...SCOTTY WOOOOONNN!  Oh yeah...I love him too, that kid has talent, charisma, and the attitude of a real gentleman...  I hope fame won't change that.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Start every day with a good laugh

My kids started me on this new "tradition" of ours.  Everyday, Monday tru Friday, at 8 o'clock in the morning, we tune in to channel 45 and watch America's Funniest Videos.  It really is great way to start the day, even if somebody woke up grumpy or we start to argue about anything, we'll be laughing in no time with all the funny things happening to other people.  Some of the videos have been staged to trick and scare somebody but others are just life happening and then suddenly something unexpected happens and everybody laughs.  For me that's how life should be, something we can smile about, even when things go wrong, we can stand up, smile and go on.  I like to laugh at myself.  I used to be this EXTREMELY shy girl who froze whenever I attracted unwanted attention, I would feel embarrased for the littlest, tinies, foolish thing.  But I'm 37 years old now and I've learned that my soul feels lighter and doesn't hold any grudges if I can just laugh at myself.  Things happen to everybody, so...why not laugh?  Laugh is the BEST and CHEAPEST therapy known to men.  And I intend to use it EVERYDAY...  :D