Life is asBeautiful as YOU want it to Be

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Homecoming Dance

Last Saturday, Erik went to the Homecoming Dance.  First time he goes with a date and so he was pretty nervous about it.  We went to buy cologne, shaving cream, breath mints...  He wanted to be in his best for that night.  Then I started to get really nervous myself when he received a text from his date asking if we could pick her up at her house and if "I" could go inside so her parents could meet me!  I panicked!  I'm not used to this kind of things...  In fact it wasn't long ago when I had to meet my husbands parents and "we" were dating... Was it really THAT looooooooooooong??? 
What a relief it was when we got to Amanda's house and realized I had already met her mom before.
She is a YW President and I had that calling before so we'd had some stake meetings together and she looks so nice and friendly!  Of course I have to mention that I had never met her husband or Amanda's grandparents who were there at the time.  They took some nice pictures and we were all giggling more from nervousess than excitement, I think, and both Amanda and Erik looked very CUTE...

So I drove them to school and on my way there I realized I didn't give Erik any money and I didn't even know if he needed money!  ( I am such a rookie at these things)  So I stopped at a gas station and got about $20 for Erik and then dropped them off at the front of the school.  I saw them walk away and she held his arm and right then and there I started crying.  No I wasn't mad at her...or him...It's just that I saw my child walking away and he wasn't a child anymore...  Erik is turning 16 in about two weeks and before I know it he will be an adult.  This is unknown territory for me, I am used to dealing with children issues, you know, the fighting, namecalling, the not sharing of toys...  But 16 will bring a whole new era for me and my child.  It's the time when he will start practicing his independence and how to be an adult.  I am both excited and afraid.  I'm just hoping I have taught him enough to
make good decisions and I'm sure from now on there will be lots more of praying on my part.

I love my son and I am proud of him.  After all he is the one who changed my mind about not liking kids.  He is a handsome young man who is trying to find his place in life.  I want to make sure he knows that he will always have a place in my heart.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Kimball Stake Family Vacation

It's been exactly one week since we left on this much anticipated Family Vacation.  It's been almost a year since the Kimball Stake started to plan and putting things together.  It's been hard but oh so worth it!  My husband and I were the ward representatives and so had several meetings throughout the year and lots and lots of information to give to the members of our branch.  Well, we left on Wednesday and it lasted until Saturday.  It took place at the Geronimo Campground (BSA) and it was sooooo beautiful with all the trees, the little brook running all along the campground, the mountains and especially the fall foliage, which wasn't very much because in Arizona there are not too many trees that go through that change, but anyhow it was beautiful.  There were lots of activities to do (zip line, archery, rifle shooting, horse shoe, badmington, etc...) and classes that went from dutch oven cooking, to parenting, budgeting, clogging, to tuning in with the Spirit.  At night there were great programs that brought together all 1500 people who attended this family vacation.  Wednesday night was:  Ward Videos, where each ward had to make a video so we could get to know the members.  Thursday night was:  Talent Show.  Friday night was:  A special program put together by the Stake Presidency, which included several musical numbers by our very talented Stake President and his quartet and his counselors, a skit, and some final words to cap off this special event.  I truly felt the Spirit that night and I felt so loved by my Heavenly Father and my priesthood leaders.  I know this was inspired and it truly brought us together as a stake family.  I'll always remember this event and of course, President Clint W. Smith, my Stake President.  :)

Friday, October 7, 2011

Tears in His Eyes

      Two days ago my little boy learned a painful lesson, you don't touch the stove carelessly.   He was mad at me for not wanting to give him cereal in the middle of the day, that he slapped hard the top of the stove right where I had just moved the pot from.  I am SO thankful it had been on low and not high or medium-high, because this would have been a real tragedy!  But yes, he burned his hand a little bit and he spent the whole afternoon screaming and crying if he wasn't holding an ice pack in his hand.

     We went to pick Erik up at school and we forgot the ice pack so the whole trip he was screaming and crying while holding his hand.  My heart really melted when I saw Emma looking away and tears streaming down her face... she was suffering to see her baby brother in pain.  That made me feel like crying too, because it's so sweet to see my kids caring so much for each other.  But I didn't cry.  I didn't want to embarras Erik even more than he was. 

     In the evening I gave Pedrito a quick bath and told him to endure the pain a little bit without the ice pack so the pain would really go away.  It did after about 30 to 40 min.  and then he was fine.

     I really hope he learned his lesson in not messing with the stove again, but it's hard to see tears in my children's eyes because they are in pain...  Again, I'm just thankful it wasn't worse.

Monday, October 3, 2011

General Conference

There is nothing like a weekend filled of uplifting and inspiring messages that help you realize the things you need to work on, but also the blessings that are all around you.  I am 37 years old and I can honestly say that it's only been the last 5 years out of the 22 that I've been a member of the church, that I truly delight in the words of the prophet and apostles.  General Conference was a boring time.  I thought there was a neverending number of speakers and did not pay much attention to it.  I was there, but I was not really there, listening.  But they say that with age comes wisdom.  I love to hear what God has to say through his servants, it is now more personal for me, since I am a woman, wife, mother trying to not only survive but thrive in this difficult world, I KNOW I need my Heavenly Father's guidance.  General Conference is a time when the Lord talks to us, his children.  Every message is important and my spirit is fed by them.  Now I look forward to those two times of the year when God will speak to his church as a whole and also individually.  I am grateful to have a living prophet and apostles who are special witnesses of Christ.  I am grateful that even when it took about 12 years, I realized that General Conference is a time to listen, to be renewed in hope and faith, a time to ponder, a time to repent...  See?  It's not so bad to be getting old, it comes with gifts.  The gift of wisdom... :)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

A New Day

I love mornings.  It's almost the end of September and even though we are still getting temperatures over a hundred during the day, mornings are getting to be quiet nice.  This morning I sat for maybe 5 minutes in the back patio and took in the fresh morning air, the beautiful, beautiful blue sky, the sweet sound of birds singing, and the calmness that is so exclusive to early hours.  My heart felt grateful because of being alive to see a new day, a new chance to do things right.  To me every morning (especially when it's not 95 degrees at 6 a.m.) feels like a spiritual rebirth, a new oppotunity, a new blessing...  Early mornings are my most favorite time of the day.  Fall.. I am so glad you are here... :D

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Last week Pedro and I were talking about Pedrito.  He is such a ball of energy who NEVER gets tired of running around and jumping up and down.  I asked him if he thought Pedrito had ADHD and he said: 'Of course!  Don't you see him? ( He was at the moment climbing the piano and the bookcases which are not tied to the wall); then I remembered the talk on Sunday by a High Counsel member.  He said that a few months ago he and his wife had a baby daughter, but she was born with some condition and they were told she would live 1...maybe 2 weeks at the most.  She had a little face disfigurement and he started to fear what people would say of her, maybe gossip about how she looked...  That did not happen.  He said ALL the sister of their ward and even the young women expressed with sincerety how beautiful she was.  They showed so much loved and caring for his baby and their actions touched his heart.  The baby would cry.  A lot.  But he said when he tried to help his wife who was holding the baby, she said: 'No, I'll do it.  I want my daughter to "know",without a doubt,  before she leaves us, that I love her very much.'

My son might drive me crazy sometimes, but my hear is so full of love for him.  I need to show him that no matter how much his hyper behavior drives me nuts sometimes, I LOVE him.  I know there is a reason why Heavenly Father sent him to me, I need to learn patience.  I am grateful for Pedrito and the opportunity to be his mom.  I am grateful for the inspired talk from this brother that gave me the eternal perspective of motherhood, which I already know, but it is so easily overlooked in the day to day life. 

So don't forget this Lili, put on your armor of LOVE today and then you'll be ready to begin the day's lesson:  Patience  :)  

Monday, September 19, 2011

A Spiritual Experience

This weekend was busy but good.  We (Angie and I) started our day by going to help the volleyball team clean the citrus trees in a new purchased home.  The backyard had about 20 to 30 trees and they were all overgrown, lots of fruit still hanging, lots of dead branches and lots of overgrown grass.   We had to remove the spoiled fruit and put the good ones in boxes, we had to rake everything that was on the ground, we had to prune trees and carry dead branches to a big dumpster outside...  It was hard work but everybody was in a good mood and enjoying the nice morning.  Besides, the trees were so close together and overgrown that we were in the shade almost the whole time!
Then, we took a whole box of oranges home.... yummy!  :D

Later in the day, we attended a baptism for a new sister, Idolina Quintero (Karina).  The service was very special and spiritual.  She is such a strong faithful woman who gave us the example of doing what you know is right even if you are hurting for some reason...  About 3 or 4 days before her baptism, her brother died and we thought she wouldn't go through with it because she might need soe time to grieve; but no, she said: " I know what I'm doing is right and now more than ever I want to be a member of the church and I have a lot of faith."  She is a great example of strength to me.

Then on Sunday, we had a wonderful lesson about the Spirit World and the teacher presented it in a most beautiful and inspiring way that I felt very uplifted and thankful to have this knowledge of the mercy of the Lord toward those who have passed away without the blessings of the gospel.  Sacramet meeting was as inspiring as Relief Society.  A member of the High Council came to speak and he just shared with us the wonderful virtues women have and how we need to develop them even more, things like:  Patience, love, willingness to sacrifice for others and a couple more. 
His words were sweet and my cup was full.  It truly was an inspiring Sabath day.

I am so grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and to enjoy the blessings of the gospel in my life.  The gospel is as sweet, calming, and cleansing as the clear, crystal waters that run in the river and not only delights my ears, it delights my soul...

Monday, September 12, 2011


Angie made the volleyball team.  She couldn't believe she'd made it when most of the girls who were at the tryouts didn't.  But then the real test began with her coach.  He is a tough guy who likes to constantly yell at the girls and according to Angie, most of the time he gets so frustrated that he
doesn't explain what the mistakes are.  So it is frustrating for everyone.  She was this close to quitting
the team until she realized that nothing good would come out of that.  She had a little conversation with herself and decided there was nothing to do about her coach, but she could change HER attitude.
She's been giving it 110% to improve her skills and not take the yells personally, and it is working!
She has been improving and her face just radiates happiness and satisfaction.

On Saturday night, we had an appoinment with the sister missionaries to visit an investigator.  She has a 15 year old daughter and that's why they invited us.  The sisters began their lesson and talked about Sunday and why it should be a day very different from the rest of the week.  I gave a few times my
testimony and shared some of the things we do as a family on Sundays and how special they have become.  Then Angie stopped me and asked me if she could say something.  She started talking (in Spanish if I may add) and bore her testimony about the Sabbath.  She spoke from her heart and directly to the mom, and asked her if she ever felt she wanted to be closer to God?  Then Sundays
are exactly for that, to feel closer to Heavenly Father and our Savior and show them we are willing
to set apart time in our lives to just think of them and worship them.  This was not a short testimony,
it was a long, clear and powerful testimony.  I was just watching her and feeling like crying because
this is my little girl, and I had never heard her talk like this before.  It truly makes all sacrifices
we do to go to church worthwhile.  After we left, she was feeling shocked.  She said: "Mom, I think I felt the Spirit because for some reason I couldn't bring my self to shut up!"  Then she confided in me that for some time she had been praying because she wanted to know if she really had a testimony...and she said, 'I think my prayer was answered tonight'.  I wanted to cry more...

Yesterday we went to Pam Bowman's house so she could record the music for a video the Mia-Maids
are making.  As a sat there hearing some kind of incomprehensible talk about music, notes, and
computer programs, I thought about how even though she is my daughter and I've known her since
the day she was born, she is growing up and I am becoming more of an spectator who enjoys
the kind of person she is becoming.  After a few unsuccessful tries with the computer they decided
to just have Angie play her guitar and Pam would record her.  Again, I moved my chair away from
hers and just watched...  My mind was just delighted to see her, playing so beautifully, so
confident in herself, so talented, and I felt so PROUD of her.

I am so thankful to have her as a daughter.  Since she was little, she was so active and always moving from one place to another.  She hasn't changed.  She is learning to play guitar, she plays piano, she plays volleybal, wants to do basketball, wants to learn to play the organ, writes stories, poems and songs, wants to learn to design clothes and become a marine much to do and just one life to live!  I am not just an spectator, I am her number ONE fan, her cheerleader, her friend, her mom.  I want her to live her life to the fullest without ever forgetting she is a daughter of God
and many eyes are looking up to her, including mine.  She was born to be a leader, a star; and so far
her glow is bright and beautiful and sometimes makes me squint my eyes, and that's okay. 
I know we become parents not only to teach our kids but also to let our kids teach us, and I'm more than willing to learn. 

I LOVE you Angie and I am PROUD of you.  :)

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Yesterday we had a church activity.  We learned the basic steps to dance salsa and we also brought homemade salsas and had a contest.  It was great!  We had a big outcome.  Lots of people came and especially lots of investigators.  We really felt the spirit there and there was lots of smiles and happy conversations.  We also had to say good bye to sister DeWitt who is leaving on Tuesday to go home, sniff,sniff...  We bought a beautiful cake for her, so we had chips and salsa and cake.  YUMMY!  Pedrito had me on the edge the whole time because he just kept running around the church and went outside to the parking lot several times, so I really didn't have time to learn ALL the salsa steps but I still enjoyed it.  Then we came home around 10:30 p.m. (of course after cleaning the church) and watched "Soul Surfer" with my family.  What a great way to end the day....
I've also registered  both of my kids in high school and taken them to get sport physicals and made long lines to turn in all these things.  Yes, the past three days have been really busy but we are all excited for school to start.  Angie is super excited about going to high school, Erik is too but doesn't show it too much, and Emma just can't believe she's starting kindergarten and will be going to school all day now.  My little girl... sniff, sniff, she's grown really fast, and Pedrito is right behind her since he's already three, so next year he'll start preschool.  I just feel as excited as them, I know my kids have their whole future  ahead of them and I can't wait to see them take their own path and experience many wonderful things.  I just hope they make the right choices.  I know, I know, they will make some wrong ones and learn from them, but I hope they won't be that bad.  I love them TOO much to see them suffer for their wrong choices.  But anyway the future looks great and as President Monson says:  "The Future Is As Bright As Your Faith".  And I have a lot of faith...   :)


Monday, August 1, 2011

Eagle Scout

We went to Yuma this last weekend.  My oldest nephew Joshua had his court of honor to receive his Eagle.  It was a lot of work for the family since the ceremony would be in their backyard and they had prepared all these goodies to share after the ceremony.  Court of Honor was at six and thankfully the weather was a little cooler than usual with a slight breeze.  We felt very proud of Joshua and the kind of boy he is, always reaching for new heights and achieving his goals.  He is setting a good example for the rest of the family.  Angie enjoyed our stay there especially when they went night swimming in the backyard pool around 10 p.m.  I wasn't feeling well so I didn't.  I had this headache and nauseous feeling in my stomach.  I took a pill and after some time I felt better. So I did the dishes to help out my sister-in-law.  We ended up going to bed at around midnight. 

One thing they mentioned during the ceremony that I really didn't know about its meaning was that Joshua was the "creme of the crop"  ( I hope that's how you say it in English), because the "creme" always rises to the top, and that's the kind of boy he is.  So that made my mind start working and thinking, as members of the church we all should strive to rise to the top, not settle with just being part of the bunch, staying in the bottom.  I know I want to see me, my husband and my children rise to the top in any situation or challenge we may face.  That's why we are here on Earth, to grow and learn wisdom, and not just "cruise" through this life without achieving any success, both temporal and spiritual.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


I am so excited.  Next week the youth of my branch and Meadowgreen ward are going to Spiritual Survivor campout.  What my kids don't know is that I'm going too as one of the "family" leaders.  It will be awesome!  There will be a Historical Trail and I will be portraying Abish.  I'm still not ready and I still have to come up with a costume to wear that night.   I know, I know, I still get excited as if I was 14 or 15 years old, but that's just who I am, a little kid at heart  :D.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Surprising Grandma

Yesterday we worked hard to surprise my mom.  We were supposed to meet at her "old" apartment @ 4:30 p.m. to clean it completely and turn in the keys to the landlord.  I decided to surprise her since she would be coming straight from work and be already tired.  Angie, Emma, Pedrito and I got there at 1 p.m. and started the messy assignment.  3 hours later the carpet had been, first sweeped then vacuumed, bathroom and walls cleaned, shelves dusted, tile floors sweeped and mopped, nails and pins taken out of the walls, dishes washed and put away in boxes (yes, there were some still left over), Pedrito was sleeping on the floor, Angie having "facetime" with a school friend, Emma had a nap and woke up to watch sister have conversation with friend, and I was collapsed on the floor tired and thirsty.  We wanted to see my mom's face when she came in the house and saw how clean it was.  The only problem was that she didn't get there until 5 p.m. and I was about to leave before my kids and I were dehydrated.  It was worth it.

I told Angie:  'It's Monday and your lesson for today's Family Home Evening was -"When you are in the service of your fellowmen, you are only in the service of your God".  Hope you learned this lesson well.  :)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Pretty in Pink

I am exhausted.  I started my day at 6 o'clock in the morning to help my mom move to her new duplex.  It was a LOT of work, especially because she lived in an upstairs apartment so the whole morning was about going up and down the stairs carrying stuff to the moving van.  But it was exciting to see how happy she was.  We (Pedro, Erik and Me) practically stayed at this the whole morning and I should say we did this on a day where the temperature was 110 degrees.  Yes, I sweated A LOT. 

But then we came home, took a nice shower and then we headed for the adult session at stake conference.  This particular session is my FAVORITE!  We have a WONDERFUL stake president whom I love and respect very much.  He is a great leader and truth to be said, he is very spiritual without being boring, which is why I love it when he speaks.  This time, he and his two counselors, President Rapier and President Shumway, chose 3 different mormon messages to share with us, and they based their talks on them.  I loved the first one and it's main message:  For some, blessings come soon, for some blessings come later, and for some, blessings don't come until heaven.  But for members of the church, they always come.   I've seen this truth in my life unfold many times in many different circumstances and I do testify of that.  I also thought about some sisters in my branch who could have felt the spirit so strong while listening to this, but I don't think they were actually there.  :(

The second one was just as powerful, about 5 different people testifying how they found the power to change their lives through Jesus Christ.  Isn't He THE answer for us all?  Yes!  All he is waiting for is for us to open the door and let Him in.  Everything else in this life is SO secondary.  Only God and our families are what's truly important.

The third one I've seen before.  It's about Stephanie Nielson and her new life.  How she emerged from this trial triumphant and more strong spiritually than ever before.  She counsels us on how we should view our role as mothers as something divine and cherish motherhood for the privilege it is.  Motherhood and beauty go together.

Then I remembered something that happened this morning while I was driving to my mom's new house.  My niece Karmina was riding in the front with me and she was wearing her pink sunglasses.  When I saw them I thought "Oh I guess she likes to see life through pink colored glasses, like little girls usually do.  Then they grow up and discover life is a little harder and bad things happen sometimes to good people.  BUT I was at Stake Conference I realized the gospel is my Pink Glasses.  Life is still hard, we still face trials, we still cry...but the gospel lets me see that there is SO much GOOD in this crazy world. It is the gospel of Jesus Christ that gives us hope amid the darkness and there is so much to learn even from those ugly storms.  So yes, I am grown up and I still CHOOSE to see life through "Pink-colored glasses" because it makes me happy and it gives me peace...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Move is On

I am so happy for my mom.  She was finally accepted in a discounted housing duplex and she is moving to Guadalupe!  It's a four bedroom little house and no neighbors on or below her.  We took a few boxes yesterday and now the plan is to officially move-in this coming Saturday (2 days).  It's a little strange to see my mom move away instead of closer like she usually does, but it's not that far anyway.  She'll be 5 min. from the Arizona Mills Mall and that's a plus in my kids' minds; they love the Arizona Mills mall.  I know it's for her own good since she is not getting a lot of hours at work, and this way, she can always report when she gets less hours and therefor pay less rent.  It's a blessing from above.  I thank God for every blessing my mom receives since she is taking care of my 2 nieces and even at 60, she continues to be a "single mother".  Only 2 more days...

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Shopping Day

Yesterday was a busy one.  I had a planning meeting with Carmen Lopez and Ramona Martinez to plan the Relief Society activities all the way to December.  I was glad to have their input and we came up with what I think are pretty good ideas for each month and now we just have to get them approved by President Solorzano.  Around 2 o'clock I was already starving, so I took Erik, Emma and Pedrito to Carl's Jr. to eat and then it was on to Wal Mart to buy Emma a new swimming suit, a leotard, leggings and ballet shoes.  She starts swimming and ballet classes on Monday.  Unfortunately we couldn't find a short sleeved leotard in her size but we'll try again today.  She is SOOOOO excited about these classes, it will be her first time on both and I'm just happy when she's happy.   We also bought Pedro two t-shirts for Father's Day.  By the time we came home, Pedro was already here frying some eggs because there was no dinner, but it was all cool with him.  Thankfully. 

We've been a little lonely without Angie.  She left last Wednesday for Girl's Camp and they rode a charter bus so it must have been a nice trip up to Camp Lo-Mia.  She's coming back today and I can't wait for her to tell me all her adventures and experiences.  Since I never had the chance to go to Girl's Camp as a young woman (I was baptized when I was 15) because I had to stay home with my younger brother and sister, I do feel like I was deprived of what would have been an unforgettable experience.  I don't want any of my children to feel like that, so I always encourage them to go to "every" camp or activity the church has.  These years in the young men and young women will go so fast and I don't want them to miss anything, I want them to create wonderful memories they can share with me, and later on in life, with their own kids.  Sometimes they resent me for doing this, you know, they tell me how such and such person didn't go, and how missing one or two activities won't kill them or their leaders....  But they always come back happy, always...  I was born in Mexico and I never had the kind of activities or trips that LDS children in the U.S. have.  Sometimes I wish I had been born in this country and be from an LDS family.  Sometimes I wish I was my children's age to participate in EVERYTHING.  But I'm not, and I guess there is a reason for how our life is the way it is, like me not having the gospel from the beginning and being born in Mexico.  I love Mexico, don't get me wrong, but there is a lot more opportunities here.  At least I live here now, I'm a naturalized citizen, and my children have the opportunities I didn't have.  I am truly BLESSED.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

This Memorial Day weekend we headed off to Yuma, AZ.  We visited Tia Paty and Tio Joe and their kids: Joshua, Monica, Diego, Fiona and Tommy.  We had a really good time, especially Emma who spent almost the whole time swimming (they have a swimming pool).  Saturday when we got there, the first thing she did was put on her swimming suit and get in the water, she was there for almost two hours.  Then we went to the Colorado river which is great because it has this beautiful beach, smooth sandy bottom, and most of the river is about knee high deep.  So the kids can really play and enjoy the water (with parental supervision of course) and just cool off from the Summer heat.  Although it was really hot.  It was actually really windy.  REALLY windy.  The river area was packed so we decided to go home and just grill the hamburgers there.  Melina and Jose and their kids were also with us.  So we all went to Paty's home and again, Emma went right into the pool.  She was the last one to come out of the pool to eat and as soon as she did, went back in the pool.  She did not come out until about 8 or 8:30 p.m.

Sunday was nice and relaxing.  We went to church and listened to some good classes and talks.  Pedrito was fuzzy in the beginning and then he fell asleep and didn't wake up until the end of the meetings.  We played "Basta" in the evening and got some good laughs out of the words everyone wrote.  Like for "Thing" category, Joe wrote 'flu-shot'.  Really?  First time I see somebody think of that one  :D.

Monday it was time to say goodbye to Joshua and Diego who went to a camping trip to San Diego (lucky...) for the whole week.  Then it was time for Emma and the pool.  Around noon we decided to go back to the river before coming home.  Paty bought some pizzas and we ate on a shady spot at the park.  Emma was in the water up until the last minute (around 4 p.m.) before we left.  We had some snow cones before we left Yuma.  It was a fun and relaxing weekend.  We'll see how the rest of the Summer goes...  :S

Friday, May 27, 2011

Visiting my Most Favorite Place in the World

No, I didn't go to Disneyland, Legoland, or Sea World.  On the very first day of Summer Break, we visited the LIBRARY!!  It's been at least two months since I've been able to go to this "Temple of Knowledge".  I just love,love, love the library, I wish I could live there and have all the time in the world to read MOST of the books and magazines there.  It's good that my kids share my excitement with this place, at least Erik keeps asking me to just leave him there and come back later to get him, he doesn't want to be rushed, he wants to savor the moment.  Just like me.  I checked out some magazines (Arizona Highways and Country Living) and...Jesus el Cristo, by James E. Talmage.  I've tried reading it before and after sometime it became a little overwhelming.  I think I'm more mature and ready now to give it another try.  Even if it takes all Summer. 

I also enrolled my kids in the Summer Reading Program.  Those prizes are really lame but, I guess anything is good to keep kids motivated, right?  Well, I know we'll be visiting my favorite place in the whole wide world very often and I couldn't be happier...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

It was a Good Wednesday...

I love Wednesdays.  Knowing that we are halfway trough the week puts me in an optimistic mood.  We went to get my mom during her lunch time (Wal Mart) and went to eat at Rubio's.  Man, I love those fish tacos!  I also love talking to my mom, she's always been my best friend (well now she shares that title along with my husband) and I like when we have the chance to talk without being surrounded by a sea of children (yes, my four plus my sister's five).  After Pedrito started to run in the restaurant's hallway we knew it was time to go.  I think I got a lot of energy from eating fish because after I came home,  I started some cleaning that had been put off long enough.  Yes, cleaning the grocery store under the couches, you know move the pillows, separate trash from mummified food and coins from spoons, bobbi pins, T.V. remote control, hair scrunches, etc..........  Then it was time to look of the computer armoire, top of the refrigerator, top of the entertainment center....  I almost filled one of those BIG trash bags!  I was exhausted...I needed more fish tacos... ;D   Oh well, chicken enchiladas were good enough and that's what I made for dinner.

 Then we had a meeting to continue planning for the Stake Family Vacation's video.  Every ward is supposed to do a 5-7 min. video to show all the families in their ward.  We want to make THE MOST AWESOME video of Kimball Stake, and we are in the process of that.

Later that night, my husband remembered today had been the American Idol Finale and we MISSED it!!!
Oh least my husband got his wish...SCOTTY WOOOOONNN!  Oh yeah...I love him too, that kid has talent, charisma, and the attitude of a real gentleman...  I hope fame won't change that.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Start every day with a good laugh

My kids started me on this new "tradition" of ours.  Everyday, Monday tru Friday, at 8 o'clock in the morning, we tune in to channel 45 and watch America's Funniest Videos.  It really is great way to start the day, even if somebody woke up grumpy or we start to argue about anything, we'll be laughing in no time with all the funny things happening to other people.  Some of the videos have been staged to trick and scare somebody but others are just life happening and then suddenly something unexpected happens and everybody laughs.  For me that's how life should be, something we can smile about, even when things go wrong, we can stand up, smile and go on.  I like to laugh at myself.  I used to be this EXTREMELY shy girl who froze whenever I attracted unwanted attention, I would feel embarrased for the littlest, tinies, foolish thing.  But I'm 37 years old now and I've learned that my soul feels lighter and doesn't hold any grudges if I can just laugh at myself.  Things happen to everybody, so...why not laugh?  Laugh is the BEST and CHEAPEST therapy known to men.  And I intend to use it EVERYDAY...  :D