Life is asBeautiful as YOU want it to Be

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Yesterday we had a church activity.  We learned the basic steps to dance salsa and we also brought homemade salsas and had a contest.  It was great!  We had a big outcome.  Lots of people came and especially lots of investigators.  We really felt the spirit there and there was lots of smiles and happy conversations.  We also had to say good bye to sister DeWitt who is leaving on Tuesday to go home, sniff,sniff...  We bought a beautiful cake for her, so we had chips and salsa and cake.  YUMMY!  Pedrito had me on the edge the whole time because he just kept running around the church and went outside to the parking lot several times, so I really didn't have time to learn ALL the salsa steps but I still enjoyed it.  Then we came home around 10:30 p.m. (of course after cleaning the church) and watched "Soul Surfer" with my family.  What a great way to end the day....
I've also registered  both of my kids in high school and taken them to get sport physicals and made long lines to turn in all these things.  Yes, the past three days have been really busy but we are all excited for school to start.  Angie is super excited about going to high school, Erik is too but doesn't show it too much, and Emma just can't believe she's starting kindergarten and will be going to school all day now.  My little girl... sniff, sniff, she's grown really fast, and Pedrito is right behind her since he's already three, so next year he'll start preschool.  I just feel as excited as them, I know my kids have their whole future  ahead of them and I can't wait to see them take their own path and experience many wonderful things.  I just hope they make the right choices.  I know, I know, they will make some wrong ones and learn from them, but I hope they won't be that bad.  I love them TOO much to see them suffer for their wrong choices.  But anyway the future looks great and as President Monson says:  "The Future Is As Bright As Your Faith".  And I have a lot of faith...   :)


Monday, August 1, 2011

Eagle Scout

We went to Yuma this last weekend.  My oldest nephew Joshua had his court of honor to receive his Eagle.  It was a lot of work for the family since the ceremony would be in their backyard and they had prepared all these goodies to share after the ceremony.  Court of Honor was at six and thankfully the weather was a little cooler than usual with a slight breeze.  We felt very proud of Joshua and the kind of boy he is, always reaching for new heights and achieving his goals.  He is setting a good example for the rest of the family.  Angie enjoyed our stay there especially when they went night swimming in the backyard pool around 10 p.m.  I wasn't feeling well so I didn't.  I had this headache and nauseous feeling in my stomach.  I took a pill and after some time I felt better. So I did the dishes to help out my sister-in-law.  We ended up going to bed at around midnight. 

One thing they mentioned during the ceremony that I really didn't know about its meaning was that Joshua was the "creme of the crop"  ( I hope that's how you say it in English), because the "creme" always rises to the top, and that's the kind of boy he is.  So that made my mind start working and thinking, as members of the church we all should strive to rise to the top, not settle with just being part of the bunch, staying in the bottom.  I know I want to see me, my husband and my children rise to the top in any situation or challenge we may face.  That's why we are here on Earth, to grow and learn wisdom, and not just "cruise" through this life without achieving any success, both temporal and spiritual.