Life is asBeautiful as YOU want it to Be

Thursday, September 29, 2011

A New Day

I love mornings.  It's almost the end of September and even though we are still getting temperatures over a hundred during the day, mornings are getting to be quiet nice.  This morning I sat for maybe 5 minutes in the back patio and took in the fresh morning air, the beautiful, beautiful blue sky, the sweet sound of birds singing, and the calmness that is so exclusive to early hours.  My heart felt grateful because of being alive to see a new day, a new chance to do things right.  To me every morning (especially when it's not 95 degrees at 6 a.m.) feels like a spiritual rebirth, a new oppotunity, a new blessing...  Early mornings are my most favorite time of the day.  Fall.. I am so glad you are here... :D

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Last week Pedro and I were talking about Pedrito.  He is such a ball of energy who NEVER gets tired of running around and jumping up and down.  I asked him if he thought Pedrito had ADHD and he said: 'Of course!  Don't you see him? ( He was at the moment climbing the piano and the bookcases which are not tied to the wall); then I remembered the talk on Sunday by a High Counsel member.  He said that a few months ago he and his wife had a baby daughter, but she was born with some condition and they were told she would live 1...maybe 2 weeks at the most.  She had a little face disfigurement and he started to fear what people would say of her, maybe gossip about how she looked...  That did not happen.  He said ALL the sister of their ward and even the young women expressed with sincerety how beautiful she was.  They showed so much loved and caring for his baby and their actions touched his heart.  The baby would cry.  A lot.  But he said when he tried to help his wife who was holding the baby, she said: 'No, I'll do it.  I want my daughter to "know",without a doubt,  before she leaves us, that I love her very much.'

My son might drive me crazy sometimes, but my hear is so full of love for him.  I need to show him that no matter how much his hyper behavior drives me nuts sometimes, I LOVE him.  I know there is a reason why Heavenly Father sent him to me, I need to learn patience.  I am grateful for Pedrito and the opportunity to be his mom.  I am grateful for the inspired talk from this brother that gave me the eternal perspective of motherhood, which I already know, but it is so easily overlooked in the day to day life. 

So don't forget this Lili, put on your armor of LOVE today and then you'll be ready to begin the day's lesson:  Patience  :)  

Monday, September 19, 2011

A Spiritual Experience

This weekend was busy but good.  We (Angie and I) started our day by going to help the volleyball team clean the citrus trees in a new purchased home.  The backyard had about 20 to 30 trees and they were all overgrown, lots of fruit still hanging, lots of dead branches and lots of overgrown grass.   We had to remove the spoiled fruit and put the good ones in boxes, we had to rake everything that was on the ground, we had to prune trees and carry dead branches to a big dumpster outside...  It was hard work but everybody was in a good mood and enjoying the nice morning.  Besides, the trees were so close together and overgrown that we were in the shade almost the whole time!
Then, we took a whole box of oranges home.... yummy!  :D

Later in the day, we attended a baptism for a new sister, Idolina Quintero (Karina).  The service was very special and spiritual.  She is such a strong faithful woman who gave us the example of doing what you know is right even if you are hurting for some reason...  About 3 or 4 days before her baptism, her brother died and we thought she wouldn't go through with it because she might need soe time to grieve; but no, she said: " I know what I'm doing is right and now more than ever I want to be a member of the church and I have a lot of faith."  She is a great example of strength to me.

Then on Sunday, we had a wonderful lesson about the Spirit World and the teacher presented it in a most beautiful and inspiring way that I felt very uplifted and thankful to have this knowledge of the mercy of the Lord toward those who have passed away without the blessings of the gospel.  Sacramet meeting was as inspiring as Relief Society.  A member of the High Council came to speak and he just shared with us the wonderful virtues women have and how we need to develop them even more, things like:  Patience, love, willingness to sacrifice for others and a couple more. 
His words were sweet and my cup was full.  It truly was an inspiring Sabath day.

I am so grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and to enjoy the blessings of the gospel in my life.  The gospel is as sweet, calming, and cleansing as the clear, crystal waters that run in the river and not only delights my ears, it delights my soul...

Monday, September 12, 2011


Angie made the volleyball team.  She couldn't believe she'd made it when most of the girls who were at the tryouts didn't.  But then the real test began with her coach.  He is a tough guy who likes to constantly yell at the girls and according to Angie, most of the time he gets so frustrated that he
doesn't explain what the mistakes are.  So it is frustrating for everyone.  She was this close to quitting
the team until she realized that nothing good would come out of that.  She had a little conversation with herself and decided there was nothing to do about her coach, but she could change HER attitude.
She's been giving it 110% to improve her skills and not take the yells personally, and it is working!
She has been improving and her face just radiates happiness and satisfaction.

On Saturday night, we had an appoinment with the sister missionaries to visit an investigator.  She has a 15 year old daughter and that's why they invited us.  The sisters began their lesson and talked about Sunday and why it should be a day very different from the rest of the week.  I gave a few times my
testimony and shared some of the things we do as a family on Sundays and how special they have become.  Then Angie stopped me and asked me if she could say something.  She started talking (in Spanish if I may add) and bore her testimony about the Sabbath.  She spoke from her heart and directly to the mom, and asked her if she ever felt she wanted to be closer to God?  Then Sundays
are exactly for that, to feel closer to Heavenly Father and our Savior and show them we are willing
to set apart time in our lives to just think of them and worship them.  This was not a short testimony,
it was a long, clear and powerful testimony.  I was just watching her and feeling like crying because
this is my little girl, and I had never heard her talk like this before.  It truly makes all sacrifices
we do to go to church worthwhile.  After we left, she was feeling shocked.  She said: "Mom, I think I felt the Spirit because for some reason I couldn't bring my self to shut up!"  Then she confided in me that for some time she had been praying because she wanted to know if she really had a testimony...and she said, 'I think my prayer was answered tonight'.  I wanted to cry more...

Yesterday we went to Pam Bowman's house so she could record the music for a video the Mia-Maids
are making.  As a sat there hearing some kind of incomprehensible talk about music, notes, and
computer programs, I thought about how even though she is my daughter and I've known her since
the day she was born, she is growing up and I am becoming more of an spectator who enjoys
the kind of person she is becoming.  After a few unsuccessful tries with the computer they decided
to just have Angie play her guitar and Pam would record her.  Again, I moved my chair away from
hers and just watched...  My mind was just delighted to see her, playing so beautifully, so
confident in herself, so talented, and I felt so PROUD of her.

I am so thankful to have her as a daughter.  Since she was little, she was so active and always moving from one place to another.  She hasn't changed.  She is learning to play guitar, she plays piano, she plays volleybal, wants to do basketball, wants to learn to play the organ, writes stories, poems and songs, wants to learn to design clothes and become a marine much to do and just one life to live!  I am not just an spectator, I am her number ONE fan, her cheerleader, her friend, her mom.  I want her to live her life to the fullest without ever forgetting she is a daughter of God
and many eyes are looking up to her, including mine.  She was born to be a leader, a star; and so far
her glow is bright and beautiful and sometimes makes me squint my eyes, and that's okay. 
I know we become parents not only to teach our kids but also to let our kids teach us, and I'm more than willing to learn. 

I LOVE you Angie and I am PROUD of you.  :)